About Elimka Enterprises

Its creation came from the idea of ​​Mr. Elias Mbumba Kambamba, who, knowing the foreign market, brought together the demands of different market segments and created Elimka Enterprises.

Today, we operate in more than five different segments.


CEO & Founder of Elimka Enterprises


Some Areas of Operation

New Markets, Countless Customers

International Trade

Elimka Enterprises, operates intensely in the markets of Europe, Africa, South America and the United Arab Emirates.

International Partnersships

Construction Company

With extensive experience and over 20 years in the civil construction market, get to know Elimka Builder and Developer. Medium and Large Works. We serve national and international markets.

Ores and Gemstones

Trade in Ores and Precious Stones of Brazil

Focusing on the export of Precious Stones from Brazil, Elimka Trading has its own Lapidary Laboratory, where we can achieve the quality standards required by the international market.

Sustainable energy


The future has arrived and the reality of electric vehicles is present in large markets around the world. With Motorcycles, cars and even electric buses, Elimka Technology is also part of this universe.

Elimka Agricultural Business and Livestock

Agriculture and Livestock

With the aim of following market trends and offering solutions for the rural segment, we created Elimka Agriculture and Livestock.

Discover our premises

What does Elimka Enterprises be different?

We are a company concerned with all aspects that involve a healthy negotiation. For us, the business has to be clear, objective and has to satisfy both customer and supplier.

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine.

Project - International Partnerships

Become a partner of the Elimka Enterprises.
Discover our produtcts and join our team!

Total Security for our customers

When we talk about produtcts offered by our Group to the market, we are all concerned with our customer.  He has to feel safe and protected, so we work with technical reports, source reports, contracts that guarantee the rights of our customers and finally, when necessary, we add insurance policies, when the operation exceeds 5 digits. 


Technical Reports

To guarantee the Originality anda Quality of our produtcts, we work with technical reports signed by trained professionals, linked to each area of ​​the Company.



All operations carried out between Elimka Enterprises and our clients are signed by a Confidentiality contract, thus ensuring that only the Client and Supplier have knowledge of the business to be carried out.


Legal Protection

Our operations are all supported by contract, giving our customers security about the aforemenstioned business. In the case of investments, we also have an insurance policy to guarantee the entire financial operation.

Are you looking for someone to help?

Let us help you! Call Now : +244 972 443 160

·   Mon – Fri 09:00-17:00

Words from customers and partners

  • I made a point of coming here to talk about Elimka Enterprises, I had known Mr. Elias Mbumba Kambamba for some time and I have done several deals in the Mineral (Gold Ore) segment, all supported by contract and to this day I have nothing to complain about.

    Alessandro Raposo Tavares
    CEO Of Rio Possinho, Mining - Brazil
  • I could talk all day about Elinka, but let’s be very frank and direct.
    The partnership signed between Elimka and W.E.G. Business and Solutions through the person of Mr. Elias Mbumba Kambama demonstrated to us the size of the potential of African companies and how much we can add one company to another.

    Wagner M. Paes Leme
    CFO Of W.E.G. Business and Solutions
  • Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country.

    Jame Gordon